
Showing posts from January, 2018

And so it begins.

Welcome! The Brogan family - Chad and Christa, plus the two crazy kiddos pictured above - has begun the journey of adoption. Through this blog, we hope to share all the details of the process. Before now we were pretty clueless about the minutia of international adoption. We have friends who have been through it, but our personal knowledge and experience was nonexistent. If you follow this blog, you will learn as we learn, rejoice as we rejoice, and cry as we cry. We will start this first post with some backstory. Psalm 16:5   Lord , you give me stability and prosperity; you make my future secure. A little over three years ago, the Lord placed the call for adoption on my heart. At that time, He had not yet placed that calling on the heart of my husband. My (then) small group began regularly praying about adoption for the Brogans. We wanted to be open to God's will, not our own desires or cultural influences. So our small group prayer was not just that my DH would be open...