Spill Your Guts AND Fill Your Guts
The Late Late Show has a segment called Spill Your Guts OR Fill Your Guts wherein a celebrity has to answer a personal question or eat something gross. Well, I'm no celebrity, but this post is Late Late in coming. And I have some guts to spill plus a full heart (which in the Greek old testament was expressed by saying your bowels (gut) was full. I'm running with this analogous title all the way, baby). Thank you for your prayers and patience. I had a lot of poetic and profound ways I planned to organize this blog post. But so much has happened over the last couple of weeks, I'm going with the spill-my-guts plan. I'ma just tell you things as they come to mind. Big news first, right? We know who our kids are. We have seen their precious faces. We call them by name around our house. Joy upon joy upon joy. We cannot share pictures yet. Their initials are A and S. If you put our four children's initials in order from youngest to oldest, it spells SABE. Do you know...