I have a lot of feelings right now. Chad and I both stop in silence every hour or so and sort of test the moment to see if one of us is going to cry. So far, we haven’t. But there are still 24 hours till take-off. I wouldn’t bet against a breakdown just yet. Of course, all the tears-verging is not out of sadness. Rather, we have joy AND sadness AND anxiety AND terror AND impatience AND relief and every other blip in the spectrum of human emotion. All at once. Silently and deafeningly. It’s weird. And that is why I can’t really convey my heart and mind to you in this blog. Yet I felt like I needed to update everyone and say goodbye (for now). Therefore, the best use of this blog space is to enlighten you as to the logistics of our November. We fly out of Atlanta tomorrow around dinner time. We have a house sitter (yay!), which is a praise and a cool story. She was displaced by hurricane Michael; a mutual friend connected us. We also have some sweet friends giving up their time to ...