What time is it!? ADOPTION TIME...line

Here is another picture of our adorable children, minus the two yet to be. :) When people hear that we are adopting, there are two questions they almost always ask. 1. Why Colombia? 2. Some variation of: How long will it take? I spoke to the Colombia question in my second blog post (click here to read). I would like to take this post to lay out our prospective timeline for bringing our kids home. I am also going to be very honest about the money involved in Colombian adoption. Any fundraising we do - which is gong to be a lot, so my apologies if you are sick of that already - will be banked until large payments are due. But we are also setting aside a significant portion for travel expenses. You see, any money given to our gofundme account (All amounts welcome!) goes straight to Lifeline, which is how it should be. But that money, as well as any reimbursements or tax credits we get, cannot be put toward travel to get our children. We pay that out of pocket. And we will...